COBRA VERDE: The Most Ancient Secret of Coffee.

The great people of Atlantis were blessed with the most ancient secret, the blessing of green, unroasted coffee. They knew how to make a sacred nectar from the bean, a drink that would give them the energy they needed to build their once great city. When the great flood washed the great civilization away, it took with it this most ancient secret of coffee. 

This divine knowledge, lost for millennia, was imparted to a humble coffeemaker in the form of Cobra Verde. From behind the counter of his small coffee bar in Iowa City, Jarrett Mitchell was visited by an ancient oracle, and given the divine secret of green coffee. He mixed green coffee with whole, healthy ingredients—all natural lemon, lime, ginger juice, and a little pure cane sugar. 

At first no one understood, for they were ardent disciples of the roasted bean. The boldest went forth to sip this nectar, the most ancient secret of coffee. Its bright, surprising taste was enlivening. Its effects, miraculous. The town’s poets, philosophers, and laborers alike imbibed happily and went about their days with revitalized strength and euphoric focus. Jarrett Mitchell worked tirelessly to bring this ancient energy into the future. He began bottling the drink to sell at the local food co-op, but news of this miracle drink quickly spread across the nation. Underslept & overworked people everywhere demanded an antidote.  Soon Cobra Verde was bottled wholesale and distributed to grocery stores and front porches across America.